On March 6, 2019, the Lexington Police Department issued its 2018 Annual Traffic Report that shows the local police have issued 28% more tickets to drivers for running red lights in 2018 compared to 2017; total tickets for running red lights in 2018 were 846. There was an increase of 22% increase of in tickets over the same period of time for failure to use seat-belts. The local police also issued almost 9% more speeding tickets in Lexington over the prior year. Overall, the Lexington Police Department issued more than 10% in traffic tickets from 2017 to 2018. In 2018, Lexington police issued a total of 43,320 citations.
Increased enforcement has resulted in FEWER collisions in several areas of Lexington in 2018. Monthly and annual traffic reports are available on-line at https://www.lexingtonky.gov/police-traffic-data. This link also allows you to follow wrecks as they happen on Twitter and another link provides live traffic video around Lexington.
Compliance with traffic laws are paramount to safety and are linked to a lower rate of collisions. Please obey all traffic laws to keep your insurance premiums low and yourself out of local courts!